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A 3 page essay that argues that writing real letters should not become a lost art. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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emotional tone of the content. In a well-constructed letter, you did not have find LOL because the letter-writer would have included enough detail in a story that readers could detect
the humor on their own. Remember letters? In many ways, they were wonderful and, to the relatives and friends, who are lucky enough to still receive them, they still are.
One of the main appeals of real letters is that they are real. You can hold a letter in your hand. Smell it. A romantic letter from a lover
might have a hint of her favorite perfume or his cologne. A childs drawing smells like crayons. These messages can be kept and cherished. For a special occasion, what is
particularly wonderful is to find in the mail a card that a grandchild has made, with absolutely no assistance from Hallmark. The child has written out each word on
his or her own, showing mastery of this skill. Letters came slowly, delivered no more than once a day by the postman. Therefore, they could not overwhelm your life.
Writer Denna Katz in an article that appeared in Financial Planning writes about how answering email was taking up a larger and larger portion of her day. Katz offers her
readers ten guidelines for breaking free from email and the last injunction is the most significant: It reads, "Disconnect at a certain time every day and get a life!" (Katz).
Part of that life could very well encompass connecting friends and/or relatives in a very real and tangible way with a well-written real letter that has words that are spelled
correctly. Habits derived from email and text messages are eroding young peoples language skills. Rather than "you" or "your," they write "U" and "UR." This has become so pervasive that