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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 7 page paper discussing current developments in central and electronic security systems that are also capable of controlling home systems such as heating and lighting. The smart house holds great promise for the future. Paradoxically, however, though most systems center on security, there is very little mention of security measures for the systems themselves. As systems become more wireless than cable based, the matter could become more problematic in the future than it is now. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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7 pages (~225 words per page)
File: CC6_KSitHomeSec.rtf
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features in the 1950s portrayed the home of the future, one in which there would be amazing devices such as dishwashers and color televisions. Those predictions and others came
to pass, nearly even on the schedule anticipated in the 1950s. Today, other predictions of home technologies are coming to pass as well.
Much of the "smart house" centers on the security systems that nearly always are core to the systems required for home monitoring. The purpose here is to discuss
these systems and the planning involved in implementing them. Home Construction The technology required for support of the smart house has existed for
several years, but it has not been practical until only relatively recently. Until the mid-1990s or so, the "smart house" was one that was prewired during construction for cable
access and whole-house stereo systems. Prewiring still is an activity - and added cost - that growing numbers of builders provide during home construction, but today it takes on
additional meaning than it carried in the past. Growing numbers of builders are prewiring "their new homes for home networking and cable TV with Category-5 wiring and RG6 cable
and [referring] upgrades to local installers" (Zurier, 2003; p. 166). The practice has grown to the extent that some builders are even upgrading to fiber optic cable for prewired
Internet access. The growth of wireless technologies no doubt will positively affect home builders choices in the future. Current practice can be
amazingly expensive; wireless variations may cost more or less, depending on what customers finally decide they want and how much of the work the builder can do directly. Though