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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page research paper has 2 sections. The first section is a 1 page summary that describes a study by Eggenberger and Nelms (2007) that uses a phenomological approach, and the second section is 3 pages that describe an intervention to prevent depression among elderly nursing home residents. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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understanding of what it is like for families, as well as the patient, when coping with serious illness. Eggenberger and Nelms (2007) assert that an understanding of the way in
which families experience and perceive critical illness is crucial to the goal of providing high quality family nursing care. Therefore, they utilize the phenomological method describe by Van Mansen in
1990 in their qualitative study as this interpretive method is deal for capturing the essence of what it is like for a family to have an adult member of the
family hospitalized with a critical illness. To do this, the researchers conducted semi-structured group interviews with 11 families. The data was then analyzed using the hermeneutic method described by Van
Mansen, which revealed specific themes, such as how the crisis of illness served to strengthen family bonds and how this quality provided the families with the capacity to endure the
stress, anxiety, and emotional upheaval that accompanies having a beloved family member in critical condition. These findings aid critical care nurses in recognizing the profound importance that families have in
critical care situations. 2. The model of care delivered at Name of the students clinical environment, which is a long-term care facility for the elderly, is holistic in nature, as
the staff endeavors not only to care for our residents physical needs, but also for their psychological, social, and emotional needs as well. Yet, as with other nursing homes throughout
the country, the mental health needs of residents have been neglected. Research indicates that depression among the elderly is widespread, with its incidence ranging from 6 to 20 percent in
regards to those seniors with major depression and a recent study indicates that the incidence of depression is roughly 32 percent among elderly individuals in residential care (Konnert, Dobson and