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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page research paper that examines the phenomena of caring as it pertains to nursing. The writer defines "phenomena" in this context and examines caring within this framework from several theoretical perspectives with an emphasis on the theory of Joyce Travelbee. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
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diseased limb. The hospital in question immediately designed a system to increase hospital management efficiency. A new rule was instituted that, from that point forward, any patient coming into the
hospital to have anything removed (kidney, etc.) would receive a big "X" over the healthy counterpart, so that it would be obvious which was which. Schwartz comments that, undoubtedly, job
descriptions would be formulated to describe writing the X, staff training would be instituted to show how to write the X and document it, and the procurement office would be
paced in charge of ordering the markers (1997,p. 110). However, as Schwartz (1997) also points out, this solution, while logical, overlooks the root problem, which has to do with personal
caring, not bureaucratic efficiency. If someone had interacted with this man on a personal level prior to surgery -- that is, if he had been shown, as Travelbee puts it
"human to human" caring -- they would have known which was the diseased leg. As this indicates, caring is a universal human need that is crucial component in the
delivery of nursing care (Cullen, 2003). On the other hand, in a technologically oriented health care system, demonstrations of caring frequently become the exception rather than the rule, as demands
on nurses increase (Cullen, 2003). Nevertheless, nurse educators and scholars stress that it is through recognition of caring as a "central value" in nursing that provides the necessary foundation for
guiding and directing the delivery of individualized, quality-centered care (Cullen, 2003). The role of caring as a central factor in nursing is substantiated by nursing theory and research (Cullen, 2003).
As this suggests, caring is a phenomenon that has provided the basis for a great deal of nursing theory. Nursing utilizes the topic of phenomena in a distinctive manner