Sample Essay on:
Personal Changes in Perspective on Nursing Issues

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 4 page essay offers a student a hypothetical response to questions asking the student to describe the student's personal reactions to nursing course content. Topics pertain to interdisciplinary collaboration, primary care and prevention and ethics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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of issues that are central to nursing practice. While previously I perceived interdisciplinary collaboration as a significant element in nursing practice, I now understand its crucial importance in achieving continuity of care and positive patient outcomes. The course has greatly increased my knowledge concerning elements that will move health care reform forward. Additionally, this course has also been informative as to the ethical duties and responsibilities that nursing entails, and helped me to understand the relationship between legal and ethical guidelines. Each of these areas deserves further examination. There is increasing agreement that interdisciplinary collaboration is crucial to quality patient care and that all health care professionals should have the skills, knowledge and attitudes to participate effectively as members of interdisciplinary teams (Ponte, et al, 2010). As a term, interdisciplinary collaboration refers to discipline-specific clinicians consulting with one another regularly for the purposes of delivery patient-centered and family-centered care (Ponte, et al, 2010). Collaboration with other health care professionals goes beyond the parameters of simply consulting with physicians, as this paradigm includes pharmacists, psychologists, nutritionists, or social workers. As this indicates, interdisciplinary collaboration considerably broadens the resources and expertise that I can access to meet the needs of my patients and thereby provide a higher level of quality care. It also is clear that readily accessible primary care services are essential to achieving effective health care reform. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines primary health care as "essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound...methods and technology," which is made accessible to all individuals and families (Philips and Bazemore, 2010, p. 806). Individuals who receive primary care services on a regular basis also receive more preventive services, and this is associated with lower mortality rates (Philips and Bazemore, 2010). Prevention strategies can thwart the development of many chronic ...

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