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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that discusses the interpersonal relations model developed by Hildegard Peplau. The writer focuses on the orientation phase and discusses examples of how the model has been used in nursing practice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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understanding patients problems and issues affecting care. The structure for Peplaus interpersonal relations model consists of four phases: orientation, identification, exploitation and resolution (De Chesnay and Anderson, 2008). There are
overlapping areas of concern between each phase, with the nurse-patient relationship characterized by the personalities, moods, concerns, needs, personal values and views of both parties as they collaborate in therapeutic
interaction. The following examination of Peplaus model discusses how it has been applied in nursing practice, focusing particularly on the orientation phase. Erci, Sezgin and Kacmaz (2008) conducted a study
to determine the effectiveness of Paplaus theoretical perspective in decreasing patients pre- and post-operative anxiety. Within a randomized clinical trial, the researchers found that the patients who received the Peplau-based
intervention demonstrated a significantly decreased level of anxiety (Erci, Sezgin and Kacmaz, 2008). During the orientation phase of the intervention, nurses explored the issue of anxiety with pre-operative patients, providing
one-to-one interaction and information about postoperative care and treatment. This interaction aided both patients and their families, increasing their confidence level in regards to being able to deal with any
possible problems and promote healing, which had the effect of reducing overall anxiety. In a similar manner, Merritt and Procter (2010) describe the utility of Peplaus model in working
with a 62-year-old man, Jason, who was suffering from depression and anxiety resulting from a cardiac condition. Working with a mental health consultation-liaison nurse (MHCLN), during the orientation phase of
the Peplau model, Jason was able to identify the causes underlying his anxiety/depression and the MHCLN and Jason then collaboratively addressed each issue. (Merritt and Procter, 2010). This included not
only problems related to his cardiac condition, but also improved relations between Jason and his son. In helping this patient to overcome these issues, the MHCLN fulfilled the roles designated