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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper discussing traits of Paul Orfalea, who founded Kinko's in 1970 with a single location so small that its one copy machine had to be used on the sidewalk and taken in at night. In 30 years' time, Kinko's grew from that single, tiny location near a California campus into 1,200 locations worldwide, all of which were acquired by FedEx in 2004. It has been said that successful people do what the unsuccessful will not. When assessed in relation to Paul Orfalea, that statement appears to be quite true. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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as a hyperactive dyslexic with a good idea at the right time. Founder of Kinkos in 1970, that description represents the epitome of understatement. Orfalea started in business
in Southern California with a single location so small that its one copy machine had to be used on the sidewalk and taken in at night (Paul Orfalea Profile, n.d.).
In 30 years time, Kinkos grew from that single, tiny location near a California campus into 1,200 locations worldwide, all of which were acquired by FedEx in 2004.
It has been said that successful people do what the unsuccessful will not. When assessed in relation to Paul Orfalea, that statement appears
to be quite true. Positive Leadership Behaviors When W. Edwards Deming (1986) published Out of the Crisis outlining and explaining his 14 Points,
"quality" had been a buzzword of American business for some time and many businesses were clamoring to discover the Japanese "secret" that allowed Japanese manufacturers of autos and consumer electronics
to virtually overtake American business in those industries. Investigation revealed that participatory management, employee empowerment, team approaches and other concepts foreign to most US business were common in Japan
at the time. Deming (1986), the father of TQM (total quality management), exhorted American business to include employees in the management of the company, drive out fear, encourage full
participation at every level. Paul Orfalea had been practicing all of those approaches at Kinkos from the beginning of the company. Be
creative. Orfaleas approach to management was a blend of common sense and what was beginning to emerge as "new" approach to management, one based on the philosophy that employees