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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page research paper that examines this topic. In general, patient satisfaction with healthcare has been used as an overall indication of the quality of care (Harris-Haywood, et al, 2007). As this suggests, the patient-provider relationship is understood to have encompass a wide range of effects on the practice of medicine and the healthcare system as a whole. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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suggests, the patient-provider relationship is understood to have encompass a wide range of effects on the practice of medicine and the healthcare system as a whole. These effects include "health
care outcomes, patients general satisfaction and malpractice litigation risks" (Kim, Kim, and Boren, 2008, p. 85). In 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its report To Err is Human:
Building a Safer Health System, which described the problem of patient safety. Then, in 2001, the IOM issued a follow-up report that addresses this issue and lists six aims that
are designed to address safety issues and provide for a safe health care system (IHI, 2004). The six aims are that health care must be: 1) safe; 2) effective;
3) patient-centered; 4) timely; 5) efficient; and 6: equitable (IHI, 2004). These six aims underscore the fact that healthcare is a service, a product, which is delivered to a patient
who is also the client/customer. While some of the IOM aims- specifically the safety, effectiveness and fiscal efficiency of services-can be measured statistically-through such measures as mortality and morbidity rates-other
factors, such as the aims of being patient-centered, timely and equitable, are best evaluated by using research and patient satisfaction surveys. Quality health care is defined by the US
Agency for Healthcare and Quality as "doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, for the right person-and having the best possible results" (Varkey, Reller and
Resar, 2007, p. 735). Quality improvement (QI) is defined as the "systematic measurement of quality and QI measurements establish whether or not reform efforts "lead to change in the primary
point in the desired direction," as well as whether or not such efforts "require additional efforts to bring a process back into the acceptable ranges" (Varkey, Reller and Resar, 2007,