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A 4 page paper which examines the similarities and differences in Dorothy Parker’s “The Standard of Living” and Toni Bambara’s “The Lesson.” No additional sources cited.
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with women and the issue of class and economic status. The two stories are different in many ways, both in style of writing and in essential plot, but they possess
similar elements as well. The following paper examines these similarities and differences as they involve the writers style and the story. The Standard of Living and The Lesson
In Parkers story we are presented with two young women, women who are somewhat trashy and confident. By the end of the story we see them as somewhat simple creatures,
women who dream of more money and a rich lifestyle, but women who are not classy perhaps enough to ever get that money. This is not to say that their
language is trashy, but they dress with a style that is not common in their line of work, "painted their lips and their nails, they darkened their lashes and tightened
their hair, and scent seemed to shimmer from them" (Parker). They wore light, short, airy, flowery dresses. All of this description, along with the knowledge that other women in their
office did not dress in such a manner, indicates that these young women are perhaps trashy to some extent, not truly understanding the society within which they live, or the
society within they wished they lived. In Bambaras story we have one woman, a black woman, who is trying to educate the inner city children. She had "nappy hair
and proper speech and no makeup" (Bambara). She was a woman who set out to teach the children through exposing them to things. She was a woman of great intelligence
who did not feel it was important to wear make-up and otherwise present herself in any way that did not reflect her inner self. She is a woman who asks