Sample Essay on:
Paradise Lost

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page report on Paradise Lost by John Milton. No additional sources cited.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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of Satan. It is an epic poem and one that is considered to be a very powerful classic. There are elements of the story that are clearly taken from the Bible, but also fictional elements that make for intriguing possibilities when envisioning the history of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, angels, God and Satan. The following paper offers a report of the epic poem. Paradise Lost In the beginning of the poem the reader is introduced to the poem that will follow, giving reasons for the creation of the poem as the narrator indicates that God has a plan for humanity and part of that plan must begin, in explanation, with a discussion of Adam and Eve and their fall. Right from the beginning one can see the history and story of Satan as well for the reader learns that immediately Satan was involved in working for the fall of Adam and Eve. As such it is clearly far more than a story of Adam and Eve, the eating of the apple, and the banishment from the Garden of Eden. Another intriguing element of the poem involves the history of the battles between the good and bad angels and the fighting that takes place between them all, all part of the threat that Adam and Eve are intricately involved in but yet know nothing about. It is a very interesting and although hypothetical or fictional account of the history of heaven and it makes for a very entertaining story that incites thoughts of the many possibilities concerning the complexity of good and evil. In this poem the reader is also introduced to a major player, Raphael, who is sent by God to tell Adam and Eve about themselves, the angels, God, and the threat that ...

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