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A 10 page paper which examines painting prior to and after the invention of photography. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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photography painting was the only way to depict images that people saw, the only way to record an image of an individual through portraits, and the only way to ultimately
record any setting, historical event, or environment through visual techniques. Of course there was sculpture and literature, but these did not present the viewer with a real visual object that
depicted an overall environment that would be viewed by an individual. Photography could catch the actual truth of objects and people in an instant, in comparison to painting. It would
influence the direction of painting and likewise, photography would evolve to utilize techniques that made photography more like painting. The following paper examines the evolution of painting prior to and
just after the discovery and widespread use of photography, demonstrating how painting changed with the invention of photography. Painting Before, and During, the Invention of Photography Prior to
the widespread realization of photography the forms of painting that were popular were Romanticism and Realism. While photography was being invented, in the early decades of the 1800s, painting was
essentially, seemingly, remaining true to its development and with Romanticism the painters, such as Delacroix and Constable, aimed at presenting, as the name implies, a sort of romantic presence to
their work. Delacroix was known for aiming at capturing the "essence" of what he viewed rather then presenting his subject in truly realistic terms (Strickland 78). One of his most
famous paintings, and a painting that truly illustrates this style, was Death of Sardanapalus painted in 1827 (Strickland 77). It is a picture that depicts savage attacks in a harem.
In this particular painting the viewer can see the style and essence of Romanticism for it depicted figures in very realistic terms, but it was combined with a glow