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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3-page paper examines if SAPs make a good strategy in terms of public health and other factors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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government involvement in and expenditure on public health services tends to have a negative impact on citizens. The question this particular paper attempts to answer is how then, would Streter
have viewed structural adjustment programs (SAPs) as a development strategy to promote public health. Because SAPs, by their very nature, involve government
involvement, Streter likely would have approved of these programs - although hes fairly careful in pointing out that targeting simply health care concerns without investigating other areas could likely be
problematic. If this were Streters assertion, hes be in good company. According to economists and those in the medical profession, SAPs, in
the long run, tend to "produce greater wealth and improved population health" (Mohindra). Proponents of the plan believe that while there could be initial suffering during implementation of such policies,
SAPs, in the long run, are more beneficial than detrimental (Mohindra). There are those, however, who dont believe that way. Mohindra, for
example, criticizes the plans, noting that the main problem with SAPs is that the definition of "health" tends to be very narrowly defined, and that there are other things that
impact health (Mohindra). "There is a need for greater involvement of health promoters and civil society in the debate, in a movement toward developing healthy public policies," she writes.
She may have a point here. Streters paper involves the politics of public health in 19th century Britain. Yet even here historians are
quick to point out that government involvement in public health during this period was pretty much only one leg of the social reform movement sweeping the nation during this time