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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper considers the problems facing companies when going global as well as the advantages and disadvantages. The paper first looks at the advantages and potential problems which may give rise o the creation of trading barriers. The paper then looks at some disputes that have arisen due to regulations and how these have been resolved. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
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they may impact on business and how barriers are being overcome. Arguably, globalisation was started with the chemical industry and car manufacturers
in the years between the first and second world wars (Geoffrey, 1999). Nevertheless, it was not until the 1980s that the real growth and implementation of truly global strategies were
seen, as opposed to just forms of international business practice. It can also be argued that the trend in globalisation has additionally been aided by the increase in marketing and
the ease with which it can become international due to the media especially in the forms of television and the internet. The
main advantage cited by many economists for both companies and countries is the advantage of comparative advantage, this is the theory that the sum of the total is greater that
the sum of the parts individually. In this way even a country that is at the bottom of the economic scale can be seen to benefit financially due to the
extra income, however in this it must be remembered that the this benefit may not be evenly spread. Stronger countries with stronger currencies are likely to benefit to the
greater extent, with the weaker countries only benefiting marginally in financial terms. The benefits and disadvantages often considered will all revolve around the finical arrangements, but it must also be
remembered that these are not the only impact of globalisation. Issues such as political and social impact should also be considered along with environmental factors, arguably all of these can
be more important than any short term financial goal. With the increase in globalisation different companies have recognised their need to adapt to different international markets and to understand