Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Outsourcing Training For Correction Officers. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 14 page paper that includes an outline, introduction, methods for obtaining information, results of the search, discussion and conclusion. This essay discusses outsourcing with the purpose of justifying the outsourcing of training correction officers. The essay must consider outsourcing in general, outsourcing human resources in both the private and public sectors, the cost savings realized, and the trend to privatize entire prisons. From this research, the writer concludes that outsourcing training of correction officers would also result in a savings without sacrificing quality. Data included. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
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regarding outsourcing. B. Researching a number of Online databases provides the researcher with up-to-date information. III. Results A. Outsourcing human resources has become a major business and with revenues expected
to reach $80 billion within five years, will continue to grow. B. Numerous public agencies have begun outsourcing different human resource functions. C. One trend in corrections is the privatizing
of prisons wherein the prison is managed completely by private companies. D. A proposal in Ohio to outsource human resource functions in the prison system resulted in immediate contrary reactions
from the union. IV. Discussion V. Conclusions Introduction Both private businesses and public agencies have been living with constrained budgets for at least two decades. In the
private sector, smaller budgets means the need to increase efficiency and effectiveness if the company is going to earn sufficient profit to stay in business. In the public sector, less
money most often translates into fewer services for the public. One option the private sector has used is to outsource a myriad of functions to trim budgets. This is also
an option government agencies have been considering more seriously in at least the last decade. Human resource functions is one of the departments within an organization that has historically outsourced
such things as staff training and education. In todays electronic world, there are many options, such as Online training. Still, however, companies turn to outside consultants and organizations to provide
the actual training to employees. It is also an area the public sector has used to one degree or another in different states. The specific agency addressed in this essay
is correctional institutions. The costs for our prisons and jails have risen exponentially over the years to the point where some states have actually outsourced or privatized entire prisons. The