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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of psychological testing. The use of such tests in a professional context is emphasized in answers to discussion questions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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4 pages (~225 words per page)
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four methods in question can be broadly broken down into the following four categories: content, criterion-keying, factor analysis, and theory method (Hogan, 2007). Viewing these four as the "four ways
to make a test", however, can be quite misleading. In reality, it is much more likely for a test developer to utilize different methods at different points during the test
creation cycle, depending on the information one needs to gather at different points, and what output one desires. For example, when one first begins developing a personality test, one
may or may not have a clear idea of exactly what traits one wants to measure for using the test. For instance, if one wanted to create a personality test
centered on identifying depression, one might know offhand what traits to look for because of the widely documented traits associated with depressive behavior. In this case, one might begin with
content theory, wherein one knows ahead of time what traits one will test for, and develops questions and items to directly gather information about those traits (Hogan, 2007). However, if
one wanted to make a personality test that was centered on identifying personality disorders across a broad spectrum, it would be extremely difficult to ascertain ahead of time exactly what
types of questions needed to be asked to cover the whole spectrum. Consequently, one might use another methodology, such as the theory method, which would begin with a broad examination
of the many different types of personality development in personality theory, and then gradually categorize items into different disorderly traits, at which point the content theory approach or one of
the other approaches may become more useful. In other words, the key point to understand in using methods to develop personality tests is that it is useful for the test