Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Organizational Culture's Effect on Project Teams. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper discussing the effects of organizational culture on project teams' ability to perform as expected and as they should. Communication is seen as being the key. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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3 pages (~225 words per page)
File: CC6_KSproMgOrgCul.rtf
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The current situation is one that is all too common in project management of all types, though this one is more out of control than most projects that go awry.
In this project, the project manager has abandoned the project, which is behind schedule and over budget. Several key team members have quit, and those who remain are
focusing on whether they will have to fill in for the departed ones, rather than focusing on completing the task at hand. A
new project manager has just been brought into the group. S/he faces the daunting tasks of restoring morale; bringing the project under control; and completing it as close to
on time as possible. Likely the organizations culture has contributed to the current scenario, and it will influence the new project managers ability to turn the project around. Effect
of Organizational Culture Organizational culture can influence the success of projects in a variety of ways, beginning with the ability of "front line"
workers to have input into projects under consideration. If projects originate with those far away from the processes they are intended to affect, then those originating them may be
striving to achieve positions and conditions virtually irrelevant to the needs of the business and the needs of those working in affected areas on a daily basis.
When this is the case, those working on the project team are dependent on those working in affected areas for information regarding business processes and rationale
for process components. If those who will be affected by the result of the project have not bought into the need for the change, then they are unlikely to