Sample Essay on:
Organizational Chang

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that describes a hypothetical change initiative at a hospital that failed and provides reasons for this failure, as well as recommendations for the future. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Organizational Change by , October, 2012 -properly! Everyone, at some point in life, has had to confront the challenge of changing behavior that is engrained and automatic. These behaviors intuitively feel right and correct, even when the individual has information to the contrary. This difficulty of overcoming this innate resistance to change is exemplified by people who continue to smoke tobacco products, even when they are fully aware of the danger the habit poses for their health. Similarly, health care practitioners can be reluctant to change behaviors that have become engrained. The hospital administration where I am currently employed recently endeavored to institute a change program designed to enforce the hospitals policy against having cell phones turned on within the hospital, which is an issue that is particularly crucial within the operating room and intensive care units (ICUs) (Makic, et al, 2011). A survey of medical personnel indicates that many hospital employees (70 percent) carry their cell phones into operating rooms and ICUs despite the fact that this is against hospital policy and 95 percent of those surveyed indicated that they considered their access to cell phone technology to be either "very important or important" to their ability to provide care, as this technology keeps them in touch with colleagues and resources (Makic, et al, 2011, p. 55). The change program to address this issue utilized the change theory developed by Kurt Lewin in the 1950s, whose model for change indicates that successful changes in behavior go through three stages, which are "unfreezing, movement and refreezing" (Marquis and ...

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