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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 11 page research paper that examines the ethical issues associated with organ donation and transplantation, with particular focus on the nursing role. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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countless problems inherent in transplanting embedded organs ("First successful," 2011). However, as everyone is born with two kidneys, but can live with only one, this particular organ lent itself well
to process and remains the organ that is most often transplanted ("First successful," 2011). The main problem faced in transplantation was rejection of the donated organ. The body of
the recipient forms antibodies against the donated organ due to the fact that it is perceived as foreign material ("First successful," 2011). The first successful kidney transplant was in 1954
at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston. Ronald Herrick donated a kidney to his identical twin brother Richard. Because they were identical twins with the same genetic inheritance, Richards
body did not identify the organ as foreign and the procedure was a success ("First successful," 2011). There has been tremendous advancement in regards to organ transplantation in recent
years, as the possibilities for procedures are now much more diversified. But while this has increased the possibility for benefit derived from these operations, it has also increased the pressure
to procure more organs. Procuring a sufficient supply of transplantable organs to meet the need is extremely difficult and involves multiple ethical issues (Ertin, et al, 2010). Ethical issues
involved Nurses are often the healthcare practitioners who have the closest communication with patients and their families; therefore, they play a principal role in offering the possibility of organ donation
(Ertin, et al, 2010). Nurses are often reluctant to broach this subject, as their focus is on healing, rather than on the solace of bringing hope for continued life to
another person after the death of a love one. However, research shows that nurses are ideally situated in regards to educating the public about the need for organ donation, as