Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Options For Likely Resolution To The U.S Big Steel Tariff And Antidumping Problems. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
3 pages in length. The problem President Bush is attempting to tackle without hurting the support of "battleground big labor stakes" (Liu, 2002) at re-election time on the one hand and altogether avoiding a trade war that would all but wipe out the global support he needs to continue his war on terrorism is not an easy one. Appeasing both sides is virtually impossible, inasmuch as America cannot "promote globalization and unilateralism at the same time" (Liu, 2002). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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and altogether avoiding a trade war that would all but wipe out the global support he needs to continue his war on terrorism is not an easy one. Appeasing
both sides is virtually impossible, inasmuch as America cannot "promote globalization and unilateralism at the same time" (Liu, 2002). According to the European Union, any tariff placed upon the steel
industry will summarily impact the entire system of global trading, an outcome that is wholly unacceptable to both the United States and the rest of the newly globalized world.
Said the EUs top trade official Pascal Lamy, any such act of protectionism will not solve the current problem, inasmuch as "imports are not the cause of U.S. difficulties, and
the measures announced today will not only not provide a solution but aggravate matters" (Liu, 2002). Addressing all the discrepancies of President Bushs tariff solution and fleshing out viable alternatives
for everyone concerned is no east feat; with each member of the global trade community laying claim to their own respective hindrances if this plan continues as proposed, the extent
to which the detrimental impact will be felt is both grand and far-reaching. One area in which the plans inequity is more than apparent is the fact that South
Korea will have imposed tariffs but Mexico and Canada will not. Such favoritism does not bode well with the South Koreans and sends a message to the rest of
the global trade community that President Bush will pick and choose who is to suffer under his proposal. The first potential resolution is to impose tariffs on all imports
or impose them on none; to indiscriminately charge one county and not another is not only unjust but also against the very nature of globalization. "When we no longer