Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Opening Shoe Manufacturing Business In Jamaica. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page paper that discusses establishing a footwear manufacturing company in Jamaica. Sections include: business description, location justification, labor, capital, role of founder/entrepreneur, type and level of production, quality control, technology, government requirements, and ethics. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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as to export trade. Because this is a manufacturing company, it will be registered with four different agencies in Jamaica. It will also comply with the different tax contributions required
for all employees in the country. The company will provide much-needed jobs in the region and it will be operated using Total Quality Management principles. There is a significant opportunity
for growth for this business due to its location and the quality of the goods it will produce. 2. Description of Business The business is shoe manufacturing. The company
will manufacture a variety of shoe types and styles, including leather dress and casual shoes for women and men, including sandals. The company will also manufacture shoes made of rubber
and synthetic materials and sandals made from canvas and cork. The company is in the business of manufacturing footwear and will purchase raw materials from a variety of sources.
For example, there are several tanning companies in the country. Some materials will need to be imported, such as the glue that is used for some shoes. 3. Justification
of Location The plant will be located on the outskirts of Kingston, which is a bustling city that boasts a large tourist population. The infrastructure in and around Kingston is
also more advanced than in other regions of the country. This location provides ready access to wholesale and retail outlets, reliable transportation and human capital. Kingston is also a
seaport, which provides ready access to engage in free trade. At this writing, the county is still recovering from a major hurricane that caused severe damage and which negatively affected
an already shaky economy (CIA, 2008). 4. Selection of Appropriate Labour Manufacturing footwear is mostly automated today. For example, machines stitch the parts together which travel from one