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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper that provides an insightful overview into the use of sight and blindness in Sophocles' 'Oedipus the King' and relates this imagery to the irony of the play. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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his inability to see what is obvious to the reader, and his decision to take his own sight is a manifestation of his conflicting sense of self. But through
his choice, Oedipus is ironically afforded the ability to envision what he could not when he had the capacity for visual perception: he perceives his wrongs and the nature
of his choices, and gains understanding of his condemnation. Through his ability to "see" his changing attitudes and his fate, Oedipus is able to gain wisdom and knowledge through
his own tragic actions. Sight and visual imagery appear to be the one of the primary unifying metaphors in the play (Green 2). Through out
the work, references to Oedipus sight, his blindness, and the sight and blindness of others create a consistent message that attaches positive and negative qualities to both. For example,
when Oedipus vows to do everything within his power to find Laios killer, the leader of the chorus advises Oedipus that no one knows the identify of the murderer, and
that "Apollo must name him" (Sophocles 35). Oedipus replies that since "No man can force the gods to speak," he has summoned Teiresias, a blind seer "who sees what
the god Apollo sees" but Teiresias has not come (Sophocles 36). This initial perception of Teiresias capacity and Oedipus conviction that Teiresias, though his is blind, has the capacity
for spiritual vision, sets up a definitive comparison between the two characters. When Teiresias appears at the palace, Oedipus pleads with him to share his knowledge, but Teiresias replies "Wisdom
is a curse when wisdom does nothing for the man who has it" (Sophocles 37). Teiresias suggests that his own capacity for spiritual vision has done little to