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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page discussion of the causes, manifestations, and treatments of this serious psychological disorder. While many consider this condition as one solely associated with the amusing types of behavior such as that portrayed in the popular television program “Monk”, OCD is a serious psychological condition and one which can manifest itself in a diversity of potentially harmful behaviors. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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(OCD) is found among one to two percent of the population (Medical Post, 1997). The condition is one with neurological, psychopathological, biochemical, and genetic aspects. Unfortunately, however, this
condition is sometimes viewed by those unfamiliar with the deleterious impacts of the condition in a comical light. Many consider this condition as one solely associated with the amusing
types of behavior such as that portrayed in the popular television program "Monk". OCD, however, is a serious psychological condition and one which can manifest itself in behaviors ranging
from an uncontrollable urge to hoard various items (items which would appear completely inconsequential or even repulsive to an individual of normal psychology) to the uncontrollable need to count items
or even touch them. This psychological disorder can also have the opposite impact, a revulsion to being around or especially to touching clutter, people, or anything that might result
in contamination (perceived or real) of the individual suffering from OCD. Sometimes OCD can even lead to destructive behavior or thoughts. While at one time psychologists attributed OCD
to problems in upbringing, today we know that it is a neurological condition. Fortunately, today there are a variety of treatment plans in place which have proven themselves useful
for normalizing the behavior and thought patterns of OCD individuals. These treatments include behavioral modification techniques, pharmacological approaches, and in very rare cases surgical intervention.
All of us have probably encountered at least one individual suffering from OCD. In reality the condition is relatively common. Most of us are familiar to
some degree with the symptoms of this condition. The masses have, in fact, been recently provided a course befittingly labeled "OCD 101" right on prime time television. Despite