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A 5 page essay that describes a hypothetical observation by the author of a Jewish religious service that is then related to implications for nursing care. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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lives. This option was also chosen due to the fact that the writer has good friends who are Jewish and, therefore, had someone who could answer any questions that I
had concerning the service. Description of the service/Information on Judaism: The Temple that I attended is quite beautiful and located in an relatively affluent, middle-class neighborhood. The congregation consisted of
roughly fifty people of mixed age; mostly European-descended, but one family appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent. The young people tended to dress casually, but several older couples were
dressed more formally, in what my Protestant mother would have described as their "Sunday" clothes. The message was drawn from Psalm 4:2, which reads: "How long, O men, will you
turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?" (NIV). The rabbi related this passage to the current financial crisis and the mendacity and
greed of Wall Street. It was a fascinating message, with which I could wholeheartedly agree. In that it was biblically based, I could easily imagine hearing a similar
message in my own church. However, there were stark differences between the way in which this congregation behaved and the decorum that I am used to. Rather than sit quietly,
the listeners would occasional offer comments and observations, to which the rabbi would generally respond. Occasionally, this prompted conversation between people in the congregation, which prompted the rabbi to wait
for silence or to raise his hands, making a calming gesture that the congregation took as a cue for silence and then he would continue. The Jewish Sabbath actually
begins at sundown Friday night, but the main service is held on Saturday morning. This service began around 9:15 with introductory prayers. The Torah (the fist 5 books of the