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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper that discusses the link between obesity and depression. The paper first reports the incidence of obesity in the U.S. and defines obesity. Research regarding the possible correlation between the two conditions is reported. Data included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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weight becomes an even more acute problem (Stunkard, 2004). That means about 65 percent of the adult population have weight issues (Stunkard, 2004). The problem is not confined to adults,
the proportion of children who weigh too much has been increasing over the years. Studies found that 7 percent of children and 5 percent of adolescents were obese between the
years 1976 and 1980 (The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, 2005). That number more than doubled by 2000 with 15.3 percent of children and 15.5 percent of adolescents
identified as obese (The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, 2005). Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 30; overweight is
defined as having a BMI between 25 and 30 (Stunkard, 2004). The ranges have been arbitrarily defined and as Stunkard said, "for most practical purposes, the eyeball test is adequate:
if a person looks fat, the person is fat" (Stunkard, 2004, p. 81). Obesity has a direct impact on the individuals quality of life (Nutrition Research Newsletter, 2004). It
affects numerous aspects of life, including "physical functioning, public distress, sexual functioning, self-esteem . . ." (Nutrition Research Newsletter, 2004, p. 14). As each domain in life becomes limited, various
emotional problems are likely to emerge. The relationship between obesity and depression is one that is not exactly clear (Stunkard, 2004). Research suggests that about 10 percent of the population
suffers from depression (Stunkard, 2004). Estimates suggest more than 10 percent of the population suffers from depression (Stunkard, 2004). Simply by chance, there is a relatively strong probability that both
obesity and depression will be found in part of the population (Stunkard, 2004). It was always thought that the existence of both disorders in one person was nothing more than