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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3-page paper provides an essay on the importance of corporate communication, in response to changing organizational cultures. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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traditional leadership based on a military model, in which "commands" came down from the top and employees (i.e., the troops) would obey without question. This worked fine, as the majority
of the work force was male (and typically white men.) However, as the century wore on, the workforce became more diverse. More people
of color were admitted to the ranks, as were more women. Competition meant that organizational structures needed to become more flexible in order to foster innovative and creativity. As such,
the method of corporate communications needed to change, based on cultural changes. In this day and age, for an organization to succeed internally and externally, its people need to understand
the culture, and learn how to communicate and work within that culture. One issue that seems to consistently come up, for example, is
that of problems of communication between employees who have young children and those who have older children, or who are childless. While, on the surface, this may not be a
cultural or organizational issue, heres how it generally plays out. In families with young children, there are times during which the parent will
likely need to take off work early, come in late, or call in sick. Maybe the child is ill or needs to be at a practice or needs to be
picked up from day care. What happens in these cases, however, is that the employees left behind are expected to shoulder the work load of the employee who must leave
work early one day because his or her child is sick and needs to come home from school. Sometimes, this can cause resentment among the employees left behind. The belief