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Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST AND DSM-IV DIAGNOSIS. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.

Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 5 page paper utilizes the behavioral traits in the characters from the movie, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and compares them to known disorders as profiled by the DSM-IV manual. Disorder most commonly mentioned is that of bi-polar. Lobotomies and electro-shock therapy is also discussed in brief. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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a psyche ward, but also afforded them with the notion of mental illness. Mental Health issues have made incredible strides over the last few decades to bring it further into public awareness. New testing, procedures for treatment of patients, and advances in medications, have seen a majority of patients able to function normally in society. In respect to the movie, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, it is not certain whether one can actually diagnose each individual disorder from which the various patients suffered. However, in utilizing the DMS-IV tools, one can make a hypothetical attempt based on observable characteristics and behaviors. A brief summary with interjected behavioral assumptions based on the DMS-IV will then be necessary. With the admittance of Randall Patrick McMurphy from the prison work farm. He has been sent to the work farm because of a statutory rape conviction, and it is the considered opinions of most of the staff that he is not insane, but merely lazy. When viewing the ensuing events, where McMurphy rebels against the regulations, organizes the other patients to follow his lead, and begins a slow and systematic move for change in just about every aspect of life on the ward, it may be possible to use the DSM-IV to make some conclusions. The DSM-IV diagnostic lists several observable traits usually pertaining to those experiencing a manic episode. Judging by McMurphys actions one could make a good case for a bi-polar proclivity. The DSM-IV lists these characteristics: A person who is extraordinarily, almost euphorically, happy with bouts of irritation leading to inflated self-esteem, perceived decreased need for sleep, talks incessantly, racing thoughts, distractibility, and an increase in goal-directed activity(either socially, at work, school, or sexually), or a psychomotor agitation and a preference for high risk endeavors which have a great ...

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