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This 2.5-page paper discusses nutrition and how malnutrition can cause an array of chronic diseases. There are 3 sources cited.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Nourishment Research Compiled for The Paper
Store, Inc. by P. Giltman 5/2010 Please Often overlooked and neglected by millions of Americans, nutrition is basically
fuel the body needs to survive. In fact, studies have shown that many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet. Furthermore, a poor diet can
have a negative impact on someones health, causing a variety of ailments and diseases. As of late, nutritional science has allowed researchers to examine how the body digests certain foods
as well as the effects those foods can have on an individual. Nutrition is taught in most schools with educators stressing the importance of a balanced diet and teaching students
how to properly read nutrition labels on packaging items. They also learn about the different food groups, calories, vitamins, minerals, exercise, malnutrition, healthy food choices and how to maintain a
healthy diet. This essay will discuss how malnutrition and unhealthy diets can lead to chronic diseases and illnesses. Basically defined as a disparity between the amount of food and
other nutrients that the body needs and the amount that it is receiving, malnutrition can lead to some serious health issues if not rectified or treated immediately (Lab Tests Online,
2010). Naturally, these diseases can vary based on which nutrients are under or overabundant in someones diet. Basic symptoms from someone who is malnourished may include but is not limited
to fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss. Some of the main causes of malnutrition are an inadequate or imbalanced diet, problems with digestion or absorption or even certain medical conditions. Malnutrition