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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that discusses an end of life case study in regards to guides for effect nursing care for terminally ill patients. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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are facing the end of life in achieving a peaceful and painless death (Rushton, Spencer and Johanson 2004). A case study is offered that features a middle-aged woman facing recurrent
leukemia and the prospect of repeated chemotherapy and a poor prognosis regarding possible remission. The woman, feeling desperate and out of control of her life, requests that a sympathetic nurse
should assist her in suicide and the nurse feels morally compelled to refuse. The woman dies that night, with the case study implying that she felt alone and uncomforted in
her last hours. A better outcome could have been achieved if the nurse had realized that a definitive acceptance or rejection of the patients request for assisted death does
not have to occur immediately, as experts advise first exploring the motivation behind the request in order to gain a deeper understanding of the patients emotional state (Bascome and Tolle,
2002). Furthermore, the nurse by offering an immediate and unequivocal rejection of the patients request runs the risk of this refusal adversely affecting the patients care (Bascome and Tolle, 2002),
and the nurses refusal apparently did not have this effect in this case. By refusing the patients request, the nurse served to alienate a patient that could have been comforted
by the caring physical presence of this nurse in her last remaining hours. However, the way in which this case turned out saw the nurses response making the patient feel
either guilty, foolish, misunderstood or all three. The patient wanted acknowledgement of her feelings and also to achieve some feeling that she could still control her own destiny. The
nurse could have achieved a better understanding of the patients desire for an assisted death and the circumstances that triggered this request if the nurse had realized that patients who