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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that argues that nursing is a profession (not an occupation) and also offers suggestions for improvement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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when the characteristics of each are considered against each other. In an occupation, training is often on the job, the work is typically manual and supervised, and monetary compensation is
the primary motivator; while in a profession, training is formal in nature, occurring within a degree program, the work involves "mental creativity," and motivation is transcends material rewards (Chitty, 2007,
p. 73). Nursing has, over the course of the last century, undergone an evolutionary process that has changed it from being simply an occupation towards the features of practice that
define nursing as a fully-fledged profession (Chitty, 2007). The following discussion of nursing as a profession looks further at the qualifications that define nursing as being a profession, that is,
the defining features of a profession that nursing fulfills, before turning to the subject of why, far too often, nursing is not perceived by the public to be a profession.
A "profession" has been defined in the following manner, as it: 1. draws on a well-defined body of intellectual knowledge; 2. uses the scientific method to enlarge that body
of knowledge, improving education and service; 3. educates its practitioners in institutions of higher learning; 4. functions autonomously in control of professional policy and activity and function within a code
of ethics; 5. is composed of individuals who consider this occupation as their lifework, contributing to the good of society through service to others; 6. requires continuous professional development (Bradley,
2000). Modern nursing fulfills each of these parameters and has done this for quite sometime. Nevertheless, a sizeable portion of the public continue to view nursing in what can
only be described as less than professional terms. The reasons for this lie in nursing history and the traditional paradigm of nursing as a female-only occupation in which nurses served