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Nursing Theory/Florence Nightingale

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page research paper that discusses the contributions of Florence Nightingale to nursing theory. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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and assimilating the vast amount of knowledge that encompassed by nursing professional literature. In other words, an individual nurse has to make numerous practice decisions every day. Nursing theory provides a cognitive framework on which these decisions can be based and this helps ensure a high standard of quality care. To illustrate this point, the following examination of nursing theory focuses on the contributions of modern nursings first nursing theorist, Florence Nightingale. Meta-paradigms: Tourville and Ingalls (2003) explain that professional nursing theory can be understood in terms of virtual tree, with roots of this tree analogy being the overarching meta-paradigms of Person, Environment, Health and Nursing. While Nightingale does not state her position on these precepts explicitly, she certainly implies through her writing. For example, in regards to Person, Nightingales spiritual beliefs convey that she considered the whole person, "body mind and spirit" in her emphasis on caring as a fundamental nursing principal (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003, p. 23). Williams (2008) points out that Nightingale was born to a wealthy family, which means she was raised with all of the class consciousness and biases of the British upper classes during the Victorian era. This makes her ethos of caring even more extraordinary as she extended it to all patients during an era that rationalized social inequalities. In regards to Environment, Nightingale was changed the course of nursing and medical history by proving that the high incidence of morality that was evidence at the military hospital where she served during the Crimean War was caused by unsanitary conditions (OConnor, Robertson and Davidson, 2003). When Nightingale arrived at this nineteenth century field hospital, the death rate from disease was seven times the rate caused by soldiers dying from their wounds (OConnor, Robertson and Davidson, 2003). Nightingale recognized that the appalling ...

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