Sample Essay on:
Nursing Theories Core Concepts

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page paper that begins by presenting a metaparadigm of core concepts for nursing theories. The paper then briefly explains Orem's theory and Leninger's theory and comments on how they demonstrate the metaparadigm. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

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develop and most of which continue to evolve and adapt. There are commonalities between and among the existing theories although each may focus more heavily on different aspects of responsibilities. It has to do with the philosophical foundations for each theory. Moore (2008) reported a nursing metaparadigm of four basic concepts: "person, health, environment, and nursing." Another author suggested the core concepts of nursing theory and practice are caring, assessment, teaching and learning, collaboration, managing care, communication and professional behaviors (Opperman Med Law Consulting, 2008). These core concepts as identified by these two authors can be found in some fashion in all nursing theories. Focusing on care, assessment, environment and managing care, one can look to Dorothea Orems self-care deficit nursing theory. Orem believed that everyone really wanted to take care of themselves and when they are unable to do so, a deficit exists (Horan, Doran and Timmins, 2004). It is at this point the individual seeks assistance and it is the nurses responsibility to assess the individuals needs and to design a support program to meet those needs, thereby eliminating the deficit (Horan, Doran and Timmins, 2004). Orem identified the concepts that compromise the nursing paradigm as "human beings, environment, health, and nursing" (Bridge, Cabell and Herring, 2005, p. 4). She incorporated the environment into the theory along with numerous other factors and variables, all of which would fit the core concepts initially identified. In this model the nurse assesses the patients problems including the many environmental factors that influence and impact the patients life and how these factors interact. The goal is to help educate the patient as well as providing the support system that will allow the patient to participate in their own healing process. Orem was influenced by her readings of Aquinas and Augustine ...

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