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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper that discusses the shortage of registered nurses and the reasons for this shortage. The paper examines one journal article with supporting data. Potential solutions are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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hospitals. Fox and Abrahamson (2009) report that nursing shortages have existed for different periods of time since at least 1930. Exactly why there have been times of nursing shortages is
a complicated issue. Some of the historic reasons for nursing shortages include: changes in accreditation policies, access to educational opportunities in the field, socio-cultural image of the profession, the engagement
of the United States in foreign conflict, the changing nature of the work itself, and the salaries (Fox and Abrahamson, 2009). Another factor is that many practicing nurses are baby-boomers
and they are now retiring in large numbers, an event that is going to continue for at least another ten years (Fox and Abrahamson, 2009). These reflect both social factors
and government policy factors. One of the differences between a shortage of registered nurses and a shortage in other highly professional fields is that there is no shortage of
registered nurses in the country. There is also no shortage of potential applicants. In fact, nursing schools have turned away thousands of potential applicants. As Fox and Abrahamson (2009) and
Kelly (2010) both point out, the reason for this event is a shortage or professional nursing faculty. There is another issue and that is hundreds of thousands of registered nurses
have simply left the profession (Fox and Abrahamson, 2009). Buerhaus, Auerbach and Staiger (2009) reported that while there has been some improvement in the nursing shortage, long-term predictions are disappointing.
It is estimated that by 2026, there will be a shortage of about 260,000 registered nurse. They view the primary cause as an aging workforce with an inadequate number of
younger persons entering the profession (Buerhaus, Auerbach and Staiger, 2009). Kelly (2010) agrees there is a nursing shortage but believes the cause is the lack of nursing education faculty. She