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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper provides an overview of a two parts of a nursing research project on fall prevention for the elderly in home care settings. This paper relates the problem identification and solution sections of the research project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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2004; Chelly et al., 2009). Falls can result in the "loss of mobility, psychological difficulties, increase in dependency and/or disability, hypothermia, pressure-related injury and infection" (Mitchell, 2004, p. 14).
Because of a variety of factors, including physical impairment, health issues, lack of mobility and lack of stability, elderly people are more susceptible to injuries related to falls than
any other population. Even if a fall is relatively small, it can have a profound impact on the health, longevity and mobility of an elderly person (Tonarelli, 2010).
Risk factors for falls include the use of medications, health conditions that impact stability, medical problems that cause individuals to try to mobilize in the middle of the night, the
use of walking aids, and patient conditions like dementia that can impact choices and decision-making (Tonarelli, 2010). In the home care setting, other factors including clutter, rugs, loose carpeting,
uneven floors and slippery surfaces can also impact the chances of falls for elderly patients (Tonarelli, 2010). Falls are the most frequently noted cause of hip, spine
and appendage injury in people over the age of 65, and 25 percent of people who sufferer from a hip injury die within one year of their injury, while 50
percent of that total population lose their ability to walk (Tonarelli, 2010). Hip injuries and falls of any kind can reduce the ability of the individual to participate in
self-care skills or activities of daily living (Tonarelli, 2010). Further, statistics show that elderly women, who make up the largest segment of home health care patients,
are more susceptible to falls than any other single population (Hendrich, Bender & Nyhuis, 2003). Statistics show that elderly women who fracture their hips following a fall, for example,