Sample Essay on:
Nursing Quality Indicators at

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that addresses two issues. First, the writer describes the quality indicators described on the Institute for Healthcare Improvement website. Secondly, the writer discusses the issues raised by mandated nurse/patient ratios. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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Unformatted sample text from the term paper: site and did a search for "nursing quality indicators." This resulted in a return of 120 results, which encompasses numerous aspects of the quality of current nursing practice. For example, the first article on this list offers a listing of the quality indicators related to Severe Sepsis Bundles and their associated specifications. Utilization of the tools offered in this document can help nursing improvement teams to comprehend the measures that they can use to assess and evaluate their progress in regards to improving the care of severely septic patients (IHI, 2009). These measures are defined as "quality indicators" because they measure the features of care that are most closely correlated with the best possible "outcomes found in the literature" (IHI, 2009). Similarly, another article that is near the top of this list of results is entitled "Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs)." This is identified as a new tool, which has been formulated to aid health system leaders in identifying the potential for adverse events, which may occur within the course of hospitalization (IHI, 2009). This article further stipulates that the AHRQ Quality Indicators (QIs) provide a measurement of health quality by "using readily available hospital inpatient administrative data" (IHI, 2009). PSIs were formulated after an extensive review of the literature and also "analysis of ICD-9-CM codes," which were reviewed by a "clinician panel," offering specific IQs that address information on potential "in-hospital complications and adverse events," following surgeries, childbirth and other procedures (IHI, 2009). Judging from these articles, as well as from the titles of additional sources, this resource indicates the diligence with which nurses pursue the goal of quality patient care, as the QI measures described provide tools that are routinely used in modern nursing to obtain this goal. What is one alternative (other than use ...

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