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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that answers questions pertaining to a very sketchy case scenario in which a nurse is described as investigating the opening of a community health clinic. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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of improving community health through the establishing of community health clinics. Presumably the nurse in the case scenario, Dierdre Hopkins will investigate the epidemiological needs of the target community
as part of this process. What do you know about the case? What actual information do you have? The case scenario reveals that Hopkins feels that a Section 330
community health clinic could be the answer to the community health needs where she practices. She is not sure if Section 330 funding is the path to pursue, but she
is sure that she would involve the community in planning the clinic. She turns to Joe Ross, who is associated with such a clinic, and he advises her to determine
the needs of her community as a first step and a guide for determining needed services. He gives examples of these goals were accomplished for his community. What are
your provisional hypotheses? Based on this information few provisional hypotheses are possible because the actual information is so sketchy. The only hypothesis possible is that Hopkins is on the right
track in pursuing the goal of determining the needs and services of her community as the first step in establishing a community health clinic. This hypothesis is based on the
fact that Ross, who is associated with an established clinic, recommends this procedure and offers her an example of how this can be done. What do you need to
know to better understand the concepts or solve the problem? What are the learning issues? In order to determine if a community health clinic is, indeed, the solution to the
health needs of the community that Hopkins serves, a great deal more information is needed. For example, the case scenario does not indicate anything about the nature of Hopkins community