Sample Essay on:
Nursing Personal Leadership Development Plan

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

An 8 page research paper that offers advice to a student on how to construct a nursing personal leadership development plan. Topics covered include leadership values, ethics and strategies for accomplishing goals. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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theory is based. There are "person, environment, health and nursing" (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003, p. 11). These paradigms provide a useful framework that can aid the student researching this topic in formulating a personal vision statement. For example, the concept of "person" pertains to the individual or group of individuals who are receiving care. The medical model of care regards the person in terms of physical or mental diagnoses, but a more holistic perspectives acknowledges the emotional, spiritual and social needs of the patient/client(s). Therefore, the student might indicate how she plans to take a holistic approach to care that considers all aspects of the patients needs. In so doing, this approach naturally encompasses the idea that care should culturally competent, that is, addressing the specific needs of patients whose background is different from the nurses or from mainstream culture. For example, care for a patient who is an Orthodox Jew would consider the restrictions that Judaism requires for the observance of the Sabbath. "Environment" refers to "any place where the therapeutic interaction occurs" (Tourville & Ingalls, 2003, p. 11). This concept is not exclusive to hospital settings. In considering this concept, a medical/surgical nurse might address the need to consider the patients needs within a home setting and how discharge instructions should cover these contingencies. "Health" has historically been used to describe the "absence of disease" (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003, p. 11). However, as nursing has progressed, current thinking posits that this concept should be regarded as a continuum, that is, if people with a disabilities or chronic illnesses have adapted to their conditions, they should be considered "healthy" and it is a nursing goal to facilitate this adaptation to the greatest possible degree (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003). "Nursing" refers to the "professional of nursing" using ...

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