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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 14 page paper is a reflective document considering the way in which certain activities have aided a student with practicing for continual professional development activities as part of their nursing career. The first part of the paper demonstrates the use of an analytical tool to assess the reliability of a research paper, and discusses the benefits of that activity. The second part of the paper looks at how the student can embrace and take part in quality improvement activities. The first section of the paper discusses the way in which personal development will be able to continue, based on the concept of best evidence and performance assessment. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
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14 pages (~225 words per page)
File: TS65_TEcpddoc.doc
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Section 3: Uses best available evidence, standards and guidelines to evaluate nursing performance 10 References 14 Appendix A 16 Learning Plan The development of a learning plan is essential for professional
reasons to ensure continuing professional development (CPD), with records of learning kept in order to provide the evidence that will aid with a personal audit. This document will present three
elements of a learning plan to demonstrate the way in which they maybe carried out. Section 1: Demonstrates analytical skills in accessing and evaluating health information and research evidence
Research is published on a regular basis. It is important to be able to assess the research in a critical manner. This can be undertaken with critical thinking, assessing
the general approach to research which has been adopted, in order to assess its quality and usefulness, it may also be undertaken with the use of a framework that guides
the assessment and critical thinking, such as the PEDro framework (Anonymous, 2012). It is also notable that in developing critical thinking skills to assess research this is also likely to
increase clinical critical thinking skills (Scheffer and Rubenfeld, 2000). An interesting research article was published in 2011 by Secginli and Nahcivan in the International Journal of Nursing Studies, looking
at the effectiveness of nurses delivering health promotion activities to promote beast cancer screening in a population of non adherent women. When assessing this study, which took place in Turkey
with a test and a control sample 7/11 of the criteria of the PEDro framework were satisfied. Certain aspects could not be satisfied due to the nature of the trial.
The test group were subject to an intervention with a breast health promotion program, while the control group continued to receive normal treatment from their healthcare provided without the intervention.