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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page research paper that discusses how the transactional and transformational leadership styles can be applied to nursing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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high level of quality care (Sellgren, Ekvall and Tomson, 2006). A 2004 report issued by the Institute of Medicine specifically focused on the prominent role that nursing leadership plays in
bringing about a clinical environment that promotes patient safety (Wong and Cummings, 2007). While scholars have developed various models to describe styles of leadership, two of the most prominent are
the transactional and transformational leadership styles. These two styles will be described and discussed, indicating how each can be implemented into professional nursing practice. In the late 1970s, Burns
addressed the transformational leadership style as a process that could be used to motivate subordinates by directly appealing to high moral values and ideals (Sellgren, Ekvall and Tomson, 2006). The
transformation leader was presented as someone who is analogous to a gardener, as this individual encourages the growth of culture that stimulates to engage in creative thinking, while giving them
the liberty to pursue innovation, as well as individual growth (Sellgren, Ekvall and Tomson, 2006). Transformational leadership, therefore, prioritizes four factors, which are: promoting motivation, while providing an idealized influence,
individualized attention, and intellectual stimulation (Sellgren, Ekvall and Tomson, 2006). In contrast to transformational leadership, a transactional leader is more concerned with subordinates fulfilling their role expectations, the structure
of the department and the achievement of goals by motivating staff through the offer of rewards (Sellgren, Ekvall and Tomson, 2006). A key factor in this leadership style is the
idea that extra effort should be rewarded and also that it is impossible to motivate staff unless they are offered something in exchange for the desired behavior (Sellgren, Ekvall and
Tomson, 2006). Two nursing leadership styles Al-Hussami (2008) conducted a study to determine the relationship between various factors and nurses job satisfaction, and the effects of transactional and