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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page research paper that refers to information pertaining to the Leadership Environment Assessment Survey and offers a nursing student an example paper pertaining to the student's healthcare organization and improvement on leadership issues based on the survey results. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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5 pages (~225 words per page)
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out the Leadership Environment Assessment Survey was revealing, as this underscored the numerous aspects of my organization that should be addressed. Therefore, I scored my organization in regards to providing
empowerment for nurses as being at level 2 on a scale of 1 to 4, as my organization needs to improve its nursing leadership development. On the survey, I answered
"no" in regards to the following questions: Is a questioning attitude accepted [I am guessing that "accepted" is the right word, as "excepted," which is what it says in the
assignment, makes no sense in this context], encouraged and expected in the organization? Are the strengths and talents of individual members recognized? Are channels of communication clear and open? These
negative answers indicate specific areas of nursing leadership that should be addressed within my organization. These areas are: encouraging nurses to cultivate an inquiring attitude; promotion of nursing strengths and
talents; and keeping channels of communication clear and open between professionals. The following examination of literature focuses on the ways that nursing literature indicates that these goals can be accomplished.
The final section of the paper addresses how I, personally, can empower myself to promote change within my organization and change the circumstances that prompted the "No" responses on the
survey. Encouraging nurses to cultivate an inquiring attitude The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) indicates that a healthy work environment that supports and promotes excellence in patient care
is essential to ensuring patient safety, while enhancing staff recruitment and retention (Vollers, et al, 2009). The AACN has established six standards for establishing and maintaining healthy clinical environments and
one of these standards indicates that nurses should be "valued and committed partners in making policies, directing and evaluating clinical care and leading organizational operations" (Vollers, et al, 2009, p.