Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Nursing Advocacy for the Disabled. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper emphasizes the importance of nursing advocacy for the disabled in the clinical and other environments. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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4 pages (~225 words per page)
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In my case this is certainly true. On a professional level, my desire is to be an advocate for disabled individuals and their families. I am interested as
well in becoming a better caretaker for my special needs child and other existing and future family members who either have or run the risk of having a genetic disease
called Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS). Disabilities, whether they are MPS related of not, introduce a multitude of issues for not just the disabled individual but their family as well. Nurses
can be an important advocate in helping these families work through the many issues that surround disability in the health care arena. One
of the the common issues the disabled encounter in the health care arena is being overwhelmed by terminology. MPS and related diseases, for example, are genetic lysosomal storage diseases
(LSD) (National MPS Society, 2010). To a person whose background isnt in medicine these types of technicalities arent very helpful in allowing them to understand their or their family
members disability. Those that suffer from the disease dont immediately understand that their disability relates to their bodys inability to produce certain enzymes whose function is to break down certain
cellular materials so that they can be moved out of the cells (National MPS Society, 2010). When these enzymes arent present the cells become overloaded with these materials and
cant function properly (National MPS Society, 2010). The result can be catastrophic as various critical organs like the heart, the central nervous system and the respiratory can incur damage
(National MPS Society, 2010). Nurses are the first line of communication between the doctor and the patient. They are the ones that