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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper discusses various aspects of non-profit organizations, including how they can become more visible in their communities, more accountable to their stakeholders, how they can compete with the for-profits, how they can encourage new donors, and how they can empower their employees. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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aspects of non-profits including how to make them more visible in the community; how to make them more accountable to their stakeholders; how they can compete with for-profits; how to
encourage donors; and how to empower the people who work in the non-profit sector. Discussion There is a mistaken idea that "non-profit" means the company doesnt make any money. Thats
not true; a non-profit corporation operates the same one as any other company, because it has to pay its employees, buy supplies, pay overhead, and so on. There is one
significant difference: "This Corporation generally exists for the purpose of benefiting society, such as charities, churches or schools. The net income of a Non-Profit Corporation must be used to further
the goals of the corporation, not to enrich individual members, directors or officers" (Non-profit corporation). Perhaps because there is not the opportunity to make unlimited money as there is in
for-profits, non-profit corporations sometimes have trouble attracting and retaining highly qualified people. One thing they need to do is increase their visibility in the community. At present, non-profits are "invisible"
because they are "fragmented and isolated" (Report from the summit, 2006). Non-profits have to learn to speak with one "strong, unified voice" so that they cannot be ignored (Report from
the summit, 2006). In addition, the media dont know how cover non-profits properly; in the absence of a unified presence, "the coverage will divide the sector between those who can
contribute and those who toe the line" (Report from the summit, 2006). Non-profits need to remember that they have a great deal in common and become "proactive in defining the
content they overlook and in promoting that coverage from the media" (Report from the summit, 2006). They must also become more accountable to the stakeholders. While the company cannot pay