Sample Essay on:
Non-Clinical Director Functions

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper/essay that provides to a nursing student on who to describe observations of the duties of the director of hospital non-clinical services, such as housekeeping and maintenance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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staff, which provides housekeeping, building maintenance, food services and security. If a hospital, or any care facility, has poor maintenance, this leads to "deteriorating buildings, inoperable and unavailable equipment, increased repair costs (and) increased risk exposure to regulatory and civil liability" (Osborn, 2006). It is the responsibility of the Environmental Services Director to "maintain the highest possible standards," in regards to the "cleanliness of facility, sanitation and infection control," as well as control costs in regards to an extensive list of elements that range from payroll to monitoring supply usage (Housekeeping, 2007). On give the date of your observation, I met with Name of the director who is give the official title, such as Director of Environmental Services at name of hospital in city, state. For the purposes of this example paper, the observed director will be referred to as Ms. Jones. Ms. Jones has held this position for over five years and has fifteen years experience. She holds a BS in business administration and is cognizant of all state, federal and professional regulations to which hospitals must adhere. Ms. Jones explained she oversees every aspects of hospital maintenance. Jones indicated that when these functions are handled properly, they blend into the background, but when they are not handled properly, nursing staff is highly aware of this lack. Research into nursing staff retention has found that the quality of housekeeping services can seriously impact nursing satisfaction or increase dissatisfaction. For example, when the performance of housekeeping tasks are added to the work processes of already over-worked nurses, job satisfaction declines (Morgan and Cooper, 2004). Also, nurses become frustrated when the supplies and equipment they need are not readily available (Morgan and Cooper, 2004). Ms. Jones has to keep tabs on a hundred different items simultaneously every day. She ...

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