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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that discusses 2 issues. First of all, the writer discusses the differences and similarities between the theories of Margaret Newman and Martha Rogers; and then discusses how the application of Newman's theory will change and improve the nursing practice of the student. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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fields integral with one another and continuously creative in their evolution" (Roger, 1989, p. 184). The focus of Rogers theory is clearly patient-centered, and it shares this orientation with Newman,
whose theoretical perspective builds on that of Rogers. For Rogers, the purpose of nursing is to aid people in achieving their "maximum well-being through the use of scientific knowledge and
the art of nursing" (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003, p. 27). Margaret Newman, as a follower or Rogerian theory, shares the view of Martha Rogers that human beings are unitary
in nature, that is, they cannot be "divided into parts" and are "inseparable from the larger unitary field" (Newman, 1994, p. xviii). Like Rogers, Newman understands human beings to be
"open energy systems" who are in "continual contact with a universe of open system (i.e., the environment)" (McEwen and Wills, 2007. p. 208). As this suggests, Newman (1994) built upon
Rogers praxis definitions for two of the nursing fundamental meta-paradigms: person and environment, but she differed from Rogers in the way in which she addressed the other two meta-paradigms: nursing
and health (McEwen and Wills, 2007, p. 208). Health, which is a crucial factor in Newmans theory, is perceived in terms of a developmental process in which the individuals
awareness of the self within the context of the environment grows in association with each other in a manner that allows the individual to perceive new alternatives and respond to
these choices in a variety of ways (McEwen and Wills, 2007) A basic notion to Newmans model of nursing is the concept that "health and illness" can be synthesized simply
as "health" (McEwen and Wills, 2007, p. 208). In other words, Newman presents "health" as a flexible concept that does not have established boundaries, but rather has a cognitively malleable