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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page paper. The writer went to a grocery store to find and analyze a new product in terms of marketing. The new product is Windex Clean & Shine Dry Microfiber Multi-Purpose Cloths. The writer comments on the price of the product compared to its major competitor, placement of the product, how well the product is placed in terms of selling it and its value in terms of its competitor. No Bibliography.
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3 pages (~225 words per page)
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The box says the cloths are non-abrasive, will not leave streaks, lint or residue, have millions of fibers to lift and trap dirt, dust and liquid and they can be
rinsed and re-used several times. The cloths are advertised to be "great on windows, mirrors, glass, granite & marble countertops, appliances, electronics, sinks and tubs, stainless steel, wood, leather
and more!" The "Advanced Microfiber technology helps the user to clean better than ever!" Each cloth has millions of tiny pockets that lift and trap the dirt, dust, and liquid
to prevent streaking. Furthermore, the fibers are so small they can get into tiny crevices and cracks to loosen those difficult stains. The manufacturer advises the user to use
a separate cloth with each type of cleaning product that is used. This is to prevent any accidental mixing of chemicals that could prove dangerous. The package also warns
the user not to dispose of the cloth in the toilet and not to use these cloths as baby wipes or for any personal hygiene task. The company also warns
that this cloth will not scratch any surface but it can pick up particles that could scratch a surface. The package also includes directions for use: spray the cleaner
on the surface that is to be cleaned, wipe the area with a cloth, rinse and re-use cloth as needed. There are any number of dry and pre-moistened cloths available
to the consumer for cleaning purposes. In fact, S.C. Johnson has a premoistened Windex cloth on the shelf. In terms of premoistened cloths, there are at least a dozen competitors
but there are not that many microfiber dry cloths on the shelves, at least not in this particular grocery store (Publix). There was one direct competitor and, interestingly enough, it