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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper discussing the progress of negotiations surrounding the purchase of 100 acres of mountain land. The paper includes a description of the situation and follows with these sections: Preparation and Planning; Progression; Processes and Activities; Solution; Performance’ and Summary. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Page Count:
5 pages (~225 words per page)
File: CC6_KSnegAnalysis.rtf
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acres in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, in one of three rented houses on the property. The house I live in was the "dream home" of the
people who built it forty years ago. A small house on the property still exists only because it has had the same tenant for a decade and produces income;
there is a larger, newer house a half mile from the road. One of the owners recently died; the other suffers from advanced Alzheimers and knows little of the
world around him. Their son owns the house in the back and has visions of selling the entire property to a developer for a handsome profit. The negotiation
currently in progress will have ended favorably if the son agrees to sell the entire property to me. Preparation and Planning Undeveloped, mountainous
land commands a wide range of prices in the local area. Judging from assessment of recent sales and asking prices of nearby tracts, the range appears to be between
$2,500 and $9,000 an acre for plots over 50 acres in size. The single greatest determinant of price is the percentage of level or near-level land that can produce
the greatest number of building sites with the least amount of effort. Approximately ten percent of the land I live on is useful to a developer; the remaining 90
percent is contained in a single mid-sized mountain at the back of the property. My first goal is to purchase the entire property
and all the houses. I would sell the small house to the long-term tenant; move to the house at the back of the property; and rent the house I