Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on National Systems of Innovation; Japan and the Former USSR. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page paper considers the very different systems of innovation in these two countries, comparing them and looking at the long term effects of the different systems and considers how the post socialism economy has performed with the withdrawal of the state funding. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
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10 pages (~225 words per page)
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suffered. The former USSR was in a position where they had many scientists and a great deal of knowledge, however, with the cold war there was an apparent concentration on
the armament race. In many ways when we consider the USSR there appears to have been a downward trend when compared to other nations. For example, in Japan there had
been a development of technology and an understanding that there was a need to grow an invest n order for the country to rebuild the infrastructures and the economy following
the Second World War. Here there was almost a see saw action, with the Rise of Japan being both mirrored in the USSR as well as the way in which
we see it start to deteriorate later. There are many measures, perhaps the bibliomaniac measures may be the most useful, however there
are also aspects of innovation that these measures do not consider, such as the actual growth of knowledge in a society (Katz and Hicks, 1997). However, we can see
that there is a very clear lesson to be learnt from a comparison between the former USSR and a country such as Japan. It was often thought that money was
needed in terms of research and development, however, the case of the USSR shows us that this is not necessarily the case. In the firmer USSR there were very high
levels of investment for innovation, but it was not at enterprise levels, they were undertaken by the government, and this was then associated with weak links to industry and commercial
applications. The upshot of this was that any developments, even those with commercial applications did not gain international coverage and exposure. There