Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Narrative writing: a story about September 11th and fear of flying
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An eleven page paper which looks at the techniques involved a writing a short story in which the main character overcomes a fear of flying as a result of the events of September 11th.
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11 pages (~225 words per page)
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There are a number of ways in which the student could approach the question of using the events of September 11th as the basis for a
fictional piece, some of which will depend on the message the author wishes to convey in the course of the narrative. As well as developing a fluid and credible style
of writing, the student needs to consider the way in which the story needs to undergo several planning stages before writing can actually begin.
For example, there is the question of the amount of
research into the background of September 11th which might be required. If the student wishes to link, for instance, the main characters experience with that of a particular individual in
the WTC attack, it would be helpful to look at archived news stories in which survivors recounted their experiences and feelings, and to use these as a basis for describing
the events which occurred during the attack and the characters response to them.
On the other hand, if the attack is primarily intended as a background setting from which the main character extrapolates their own ideas and feelings, then
the student could probably rely on their own views and impressions of news coverage at the time, since was obviously thorough and exhaustive. It may also be necessary to research
the setting in which the story takes place. If the main character is a New Yorker, and the student is not, then it would for example be useful to familiarise