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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page overview of Napoleon and his accomplishments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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case with Napoleon. Part of the problem in the case of Napoleon is that his larger than life persona exerted significant influence on how he was depicted in the
source of the time. It can be asserted, however, that Napoleon ruled as Emporer of France much as he commanded his armies prior to becoming emporer. He ruled
with a heavy hand but is intent was for the betterment of the people. When we consider Napoleon we most often
consider him at least in part from the numerous paintints of him. Often, however, it is evident that Napoleon played a direct role in shaping how he was depicted.
In Jacques-Louis Davids painting "Napoleon at the Pass at St. Bernard", for example, Napoleon is depicted mounted on a magnificent horse with its mane and tail whipping in the
breeze and rearing slightly as it plunges forward carrying its rider on into infamy. In the painting Napoleons robe is flying in the wind encircling his and his horses
body. His hat is perched gallantly on his head and his powerful legs grip tightly onto the sides of his mount. Only one thing is wrong with the
picture of Napoleon described above. Napoleon actually crossed the pass of St. Bernard astride a mule, not a gallant horse as David depicts!
As is a well acknowledged fact, the powerful can control art for their own purposes. Some would assert that Napoleon controlled other matters of interest to
him in the same way. Many contend, in fact, that Napoleon was not only a dictator but that he was also a tyrant. In all fairness, we must