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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper that offers a summary and critique of a research study conducted by Thrasher and Purc-Stephenson (2008), which investigated the satisfaction levels of patients seen by nurse practitioners within the context of the emergency department environment. No additional sources cited.
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regarding primary care physicians, problems regarding the availability of physicians, as well as, in the US, the problem of uninsured patients, more and more people are seeking primary care from
emergency departments (EDs) in both the US and Canada. ED staff prioritize cases and take the urgent cases first, which means that non-urgent cases, i.e., people receiving primary care services
often face long wait times and possibly a decrease in the quality of care offered. Therefore many US and Canadian EDs have turned to nurse practitioners (NPs) to address the
needs of non-urgent and primary care patients presenting in EDS. Purpose: The purpose of a study conducted by Thrasher and Purc-Stephenson (2008) is clearly stated consistent with the literature cited
by these authors. Their purpose was to "measure patient satisfaction with care delivered by nurse practitioners (NPs) in emergency departments (EDs) in Canada using a psychometrically valid survey" (Thrasher and
Purc-Stephenson, 2008, p. 231). As this stated purpose implies, the researchers felt that it was important to evaluate the level of patient satisfaction with NP care. Therefore, the researchers developed
a "valid and reliable measure of patient satisfaction in order to identify various components of patient satisfaction with NP care in EDs" (Thrasher and Purc-Stephenson, 2008, p. 233). Concept
and theoretical Framework: The instrument designed for use in this study drew heavily upon the survey developed by Cole, et al, which had been previously validated, but added additional questions.
Psychometric evaluation of the Cole, et al, survey revealed that it measured 3 areas of patients satisfaction: "Inattentiveness...Comprehensiveness... and Caring" (Thrasher and Purc-Stephenson, 2008, p. 233). Research Questions: The
research questions are not stated implicitly, but they are implied. Basically, the researchers are interested in ascertaining if patients seeking care at Canadian EDs are satisfied with the care provided