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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 7 page outline of the factors that shape one student's identity. Her Native American culture interrelates with all aspects of her life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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7 pages (~225 words per page)
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People are who they are for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons is their culture. I, for example, am
an American Indian. More specifically, I am Navajo. Even more specifically, I am Dine, the Native term for our people. In addition to my cultural group several
other factors interrelate with who I am. These factors include my gender, my occupation, and my political alliances. My Navajo identity by far, however, is the most important
factor that makes me who I am. In reality this identity interrelates with my gender, my occupation and even my political alliances to determine my behavior in these areas
and even the subgroups to which I belong. Native American culture, like all cultures, has definitive values and roles for men, women, and
children. What is important to remember in Native American culture, however, is that Native Americans comprise many cultures, not one. Not only is the topic of Native American
culture multifaceted in terms of the number of cultures which it encompasses but so is the temporal nature of that culture. Indeed, this collective culture has changed perhaps
more so than any other culture in the world only within the last five hundred years. This change has been the result of the influx of European peoples to
this continent. Never-the-less, Native American culture, or more appropriately cultures, are still in many cases extant and they offer an interesting contrast to non-Native cultures particularly in regard to
the respective roles and values of women, men, and children in those cultures. Dine culture in particular is quite complex.